Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Few Loose Ends

This will be the beginning of what I hope to be a very informative, yet cleaver, and helpful blog. It is designed to be a way for friends, family, and supporters to follow me on my adventures to Bosnia. I hope that it becomes a wonderful resource and great way for people to get more information about how I am doing and how they can pray more effectively for the furtherance of the Kingdom in Bosnia. I couldn't be more blessed to be making this move and finally getting to serve my King in this capacity. I hope this blog blesses you in some way over the next couple of months.

We have just sailed past Christmas and we are going full speed towards New Years. I can't believe the year is over already. My plans for the next few weeks until I get on my plan to Bosnia, are kind of hectic. I will spend the next week with my cousin Josiah, who has come from Las Vegas to visit. Then I will celebrate the New Year and quickly head to Kentucky for some training. I will spend a couple days learning and preparing for my trip. Then I will be back in Wichita, KS for a couple of days, only to quickly turn around on January 9th to head back to Joplin to take a winter course. I will be there for the week. Then the following dreaded Tuesday I will have to get my tonsils out. I have been sick several times throughout this last year and the last two weeks of school I got a very bad infection that forced me to go to a specialist that insisted I get my tonsils out before leaving the country. This of course will delay my departure until February. However, it will be very beneficial to get my tonsils out now, rather then having something happen that requires me to get them out in Europe.

My support raising is going rather well. I am so blessed to see the mighty way that God has provided. It couldn't be more clear that this is what he wants me to do with the next year of my life. I am so honored to serve Him in this capacity. I only need $350 a month more. I have sent out more letters and I hope to start hearing from more people soon. Please pray that God continues to provide so that I can leave in February!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you started this blog. It'll be interesting to see what God does in and through you this coming year!! Looking forward to meeting you face to face. Do try to get enough rest before departing--you'll need plenty of energy to adjust to a new culture, plus you will have just undergone surgery. Sounds like your plate will be pretty full. We'll continue to pray about all your requests--support, your winter class, Launch and of course surgery. Love, Jacque
